The protection of the designation of geographical origin aims to protect the quality and characteristics of products from a specific geographical climate, which are the result of specific natural and human factors, methods of production, preparation and processing of products, applied in a strictly defined geographical area of Futog. The influence of the specific geographical climate and traditional procedures, which are applied in the production process of these products, the quality and sensory characteristics make these products different compared to related products. The preservation of such products and their protection is of great national interest, and producers who have been protecting these values from oblivion and destruction for centuries, by producing protected products – of constant and proven high quality, will achieve a whole series of benefits on the market. In Futog, the seeds of the far-known Futog’s cabbage, which is characterized by exceptional biological and technological characteristics, have been nurtured and preserved from destruction for centuries, which is why it is a highly valued type of vegetable in its fresh and sour state, both in our country and in the world. The existence of a dominant desire to preserve and increase the production and processing of Futog’s cabbage in Futog led to the establishment of the Association of Producers and Processors of Futog’s Cabbage – Futog’s Cabbage. Thus, based on the request of the applicant – the Association of Producers and Processors of Futog’s Cabbage – Futog’s Cabbage and the fulfillment of the conditions from Article 21, paragraph 1. Law on Geographical Indications: DECISION No. G-09/07/05 of May 12, 2008 registered the GEOGRAPHICAL ORIGIN – FUTOG’S FRESH AND SOUR CABBAGE – as a name of origin for cabbage obtained from the indigenous population of Futog’s cabbage. The protection granted reads: FUTOG’S FRESH AND SAUER CABBAGE PROTECTED BY MARKS OF GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN ON THE WORLD MARKET AS ONE OF THE SERBIAN BRANDS.
On the domestic and foreign markets, the product Futog’s fresh and pickled cabbage is sold only under the registered name, the standard declaration of the manufacturer, with the addition of the adopted sign of the Association of Producers and Processors – Futog’s cabbage and contains the inscription – CONTROLLED NAME OF ORIGIN. The product Futog’s cabbage – fresh head – is sold on the domestic and foreign markets with a self-adhesive individual declaration and the fact that each head of Futog’s cabbage or each collective unit (at the customer’s request) carries a sticker with the adopted sign of the Association of Producers and Processors – Futog’s cabbage. The Futog’s sauerkraut product is sold in the form of heads, graters and leaves in plastic multi-layer bags under vacuum conditions, under the registered name, the manufacturer’s standard declaration with the addition of the adopted sign of the Association of Futog’s Cabbage Producers and Processors. Agricultural Farms – The ĆULUM families are very active and leading members of the Association of Futog’s Cabbage Producers and Processors in Futog and at the moment they are the only processors of Futog’s Cabbage with a PROTECTED MARK OF GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN and a CONTROLLED NAME OF ORIGIN with full compliance with all provisions on the rules and obligations of the authorized user of the name of origin FUTOG’S FRESH AND SAUER CABBAGE and permanent delivery of all three packages of FUTOG’S SAUER CABBAGE on the domestic and foreign markets.